目前分類:WSUS (5)

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公司有些主機當初設計不需加入AD,且無法Internet,但公司內部有架設WSUS,該如何進行Windows Update!





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-衍伸問題:發現兩臺主機互相替換,主機A ó主機B,但無法同時顯示。 


SID重覆或WSUS Client ID重覆。


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NOTE: This article is out of date and no longer applies.  We are researching alternaitves and will post them here when available.


Hey, let's face it, bad luck can strike the best of us, so if you find yourself in a position where your WSUS box is corrupt beyond repair, the regular uninstall isn't working and you have no choice but to do a complete removal and reinstallation then maybe these steps by Ellis George will help you get through it a little easier. These are specific to the SP1 version but should be OK for others as well.  Keep in mind that this is a measure of last resort and should only be used if you have no choice but to manually remove WSUS.  This will also remove WIDS so when you're done you'll be able to reinstall and start from scratch.

WARNING: Do Not Do This if you are running WSUS on SBS 2008!  SBS 2008 installs Sharepoint and WSUS on the same server and both applications store their database in Windows Internal Database. Removing Windows Internal Database (MICROSOFT##SSEE) using steps 6-8 will break Sharepoint and anything else you may have installed that relies on Windows Internal Database.


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支援的作業系統  Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1

  • WSUS 3.0 Server Software Prerequisites:
    • Windows Server 2003 SP1 or later
    • IIS 6.0 or later
    • Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0
    • Microsoft Management Console 3.0
    • Microsoft Report Viewer
    • SQL Server 2005 SP1 is optional. Note if a compatible version of SQL Server is not installed already, WSUS 3.0 will install Windows Internal Database.


  • WSUS 3.0 Administration Console Software Prerequisites:
    • Additional Supported Operating Systems: Windows Server 2003 SP1 or later, Windows XP SP2 and Windows Vista
    • Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0
    • Microsoft Management Console 3.0
    • Microsoft Report Viewer


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首先安裝 IIS 網頁伺服器

  • 勾選 ASP.NET
  • Windows 驗證
  • IIS 6 Metabase 相容性
從 http://www.microsoft.com/downloads

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