
1) You need to first Create LCM Activity Rule using application P482405-LCM Activity Rule. For example as follows.

Status Obj.Ty Role L.Stat N.Stat Approved
1 E1PAGE *PUBLIC Editing PendingApproval
1 E1PAGE *PUBLIC PendingApproval Approved A

2) Then open application P982400 - User generated Content Management

2.1) Click Form Exit>IMport/Export Mgmt>Import
2.2) Click Add, "Screen title is Work With Importing User Generated Contents"
2.3) Click "Load Import File" Button
2.4) Select file "" which downloaded from and click Load button
2.5) imported zip file should appear in grid. Click "OK"
2.6) on Screen "User Generated Content Management", click find, will show 9 E1Pages Records in Grid
2.7) click Form Exit> Admin > Activate
2.8) Click Find on screen "Activate User Generated Objects"
2.9) Click on small button in "Active" column for each row, this will "Green" the button. Close this screen after activating all the pages.

2.10) On screen "User Generated Content Management", Click Form Exit> Admin> Publish
2.11) On screen "Published User Generated Contents" click Publish by user role.
2.12) on screen "Publish EnterpriseOne Page By User/Role" input "*PUBLIC" in user role field and in grid select all 9 E1 pages records one by one.

2.13) Click ok and close application.

Now you will be able see E1Pages.


To download EnterpriseOne Pages to a local drive:

  1. In the Fast Path, type P982400 and press Enter.

  2. Click Find, and select the EnterpriseOne Page you want to download.

  3. From the Row exit, select Get/Download.

    The page displays in the lower left corner of your screen, as shown below:

  4. Click the file and select the tool with which to open it.

    The file displays in the lower corner of your screen.

  5. Save the EnterpriseOne Page to a directory that you choose.


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